Chapter 2 , Critique 2

Critiques: (Written Critiques Assignment) refers to the development of a one- or two-page document. This task should include: (The following guideline for the development of your essay have been selected from Dr. Michael Shapiro’s LAST Prep Workshop materials. (This information has been adapted and included here with his permission, in order to assist you in preparation for the Liberal Arts and Science Test). (Due date noted on Course Outline)

1.Provide a brief introduction about how you interpret the main idea / topic or issue presented. Make sure to include the following points (one paragraph)

2.Controversial Issue/ “hot” topic statement: You begin by stating that the topic/ issue (whatever it happens to be) is generating a lot of discussion among certain people. Ideas that you agree, don’t agree, that compare or contrast with other concepts and practices that you have studied or are familiar with (two paragraphs).

  • Both sides have good points/ reasons / arguments: You acknowledge that both sides on the issue (‘pro’ and ‘con’) have good points; that is, the issue is complex enough so the debate isn’t totally one-sided.
  • What is one of the reasons why people take an opposing position to yours? Here you present a reason that people tend to give who take the position opposite yours.
  • What is another reason why people take an opposing position to yours? Here you present another reason that people tend to give who take the position opposite yours.
  • Evaluate…is their more harm than good statement? Here you negatively evaluate the opposing view on the issue from yours.

3.Your conclusions (including “WHY”) and reactions in general (one to two paragraphs). An example could start, as follows… “Therefore, I strongly believe that… ” statement: You end your critique/ essay with a direct statement of your position on the topic, based on your negative evaluation of the people who take the opposite position from yours.