Website Development Question


In this course project you will solidify your understanding and application of mental models vis-à-vis web development.

Except as indicated, use this document to record all your project work and responses to any questions. At a minimum you will need to turn in a digital copy of this document to your instructor as part of your project completion. You may also have additional supporting documents that you will need to submit. Your instructor will provide feedback to help you work through your findings.

Note: Though your work will only be seen by those grading the course and will not be used or shared outside the course, you should take care to obscure any information you feel might be of a sensitive or confidential nature.

Complete each project part as you progress through the course. Wait to submit the project until both parts are complete. Begin your course project by completing Part One below. A submit button can be found on the final Course Project assignment page. Information about the grading rubric is available on any of the course project assignment pages online. Do not hesitate to contact your instructor if you have any questions about the project.


Part One

Mental Models for Web Development

In this part of the course project you will choose a website and use it to describe your own mental model for how you think it should work. By going through this project part you will continue to improve your ability to recognize how your design decisions impact others.

Note: For this mental exercise to be most beneficial, choose a website that you find frustrating to navigate.

Answer the questions below.

1 What website are you choosing for this project part? Paste the URL in the answer box to the right. Answer here
2 Using the concepts presented in this module, describe what led to a frustrating user experience. Answer here
3 What would you recommend to the original designers of the website, knowing what you know now? Be specific, and consider drawing or mapping a new model for how the navigation elements of the website should work. Answer here



Part Two

Consider the Audience

In this part of the course project will use the same website you chose for Part One to consider how the audience’s needs are or are not being met.

1 Considering the same website that you chose in Part One, who do you think the target audience is? Is it clear? Why or why not? Answer here
2 Based on who you think the target audience(s) is, how would you revise your initial recommendations to the
web designer?
Answer here
3 Can you identify 2-3 biases in
the design of the website? We encourage you to use the resources found on to help you
in crafting your response.
Answer here