On the President’s Orders

Watch Frontline’s documentary “On the President’s Orders”. Why is Duterte waging war on his own people? What does it say about the nature of conflict in the Philippines? What does it say about dictatorship and democracy, authoritarianism and other topics (civil liberties/civil rights) and leadership covered in chapters 1,4,5, 6, 8 and 12 (or any others)?What kind of leader is Duterte? What surprised you about this story?

Make sure to relate your post to the readings.

To receive a good score you should:
Make sure to post your response first.
Include citations from the textbook/chapters, time stamps and respond to two classmates.
Follow the discussion guidelines listed in Canvas.

  • https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/on-the-presidents-orders/ https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/on-the-presidents-orders/

Follow discussion guidelines which include the following:

Provide references (at least 3 citations from readings/notes) in your post (Chapter 1, 16, 17 and lecture notes)
Provide timestamps (to back up your examples; e.g., 30:15);
Make sure to proofread your post;
Provide citations at the bottom (MLA, APA, Chicago–whatever you are comfortable using);
Posts should be a minimum of 500 word