Healthcare Administrator Job Description

Careers can be identified by what is required to accomplish the goals and tasks of the job.

You will analyze the descriptions of actual healthcare administration jobs to determine characteristics and then create a job description of your own to demonstrate your understanding of the characteristics.

Create a 3-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) in a Word or text document for your response.
Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
Create a title page and references page in APA format.
Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.

Part 1: Identifying and Defining
Knowing what is required for a job is an aspect of the job description.

Using a job search website, locate two different job descriptions related to one career in healthcare administration.
Analyze the characteristics in both descriptions.

Part 2: Create a Job Description
An effective job description covers the critical tasks and attitudes required for success.

Create a format appropriate for a job description in the healthcare field.
Group the characteristics by type, listing the requirements for each including: leadership skills, communication skills, and personal skills.
Be complete in your original description of the characteristics to ensure someone applying for the job would understand expectations.

Part 3: Reflection
As a conclusion for your paper, reflect on why this job might or might not be a good fit for you. Use what you learned from your research and the characteristics identified by Success Profiles, Inc., for effective healthcare leaders to discuss your suitability for the job: