Sociology health and Illness

Unforgotten: Twenty-Five Years After Willowbrook – Full Movie

2) To gain an understanding of what family members described in the documentary “Unforgotten: 25 Years After Willowbrook” view “Willowbrook: The Last Disgrace” – Willowbrook This documentary vividly depicts the conditions within this New York State institution ca. 1972. Note this documentary depicts horrific and disturbing conditions found within the institution.

(Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

This documentary vividly depicts the conditions within this New York State institution ca. 1972. Note this documentary depicts horrific and disturbing conditions found within the institution.

3) Based on your viewing of both documentaries, submit a paper that discusses

  • a) how family members respond to having a child/sibling with a disability and
  • b) how each of these three former Willowbrook residents, Patty, Luis, and Bernard, each adapted to being deinstitutionalized.

4) Your paper MUST have four (4) separate sections as per above: One section should discuss family members plus three separate sections. Each section MUST discuss each of the three former Willowbrook residents. (Worth 8 points)

5) Your paper must be at least two pages in length (Worth 1 point) and written using paragraphs. If you do not double space between paragraphs one point will be deducted. (Worth 1 point)

6) Your paper must reference (using APA format) relevant terms and concepts from the Weitz textbook chapters 5 and 6 which have been posted on Canvas under announcements. (Worth 1 point)