History Question

For this assignment, you will work with a digital archive called the “Civil Rights in Black and Brown Oral History Project” housed in the History Department at Texas Christian University. (Yes, we are re-visiting the CRBB OH Program at TCU). This online repository houses hundreds of interviews (oral histories) of Chicano and Black activists of the sixties and seventies. The interviews have been divided into short clips around searchable topics or issues. You can access this digital archive through the following link: https://crbb.tcu.edu/. Once you access the website, you are to complete the following steps.

Step 1: Take a digital tour of the archive, noting its features. As you are touring the digital archive, think about a research topic related to class (i.e., police brutality, labor, segregation). Then select a research topic, making sure it’s related to the issues from class but not the same topic you did last week. Finally, search for interviews that you could use in a research paper related to your chosen topic.

Step 2: Once you select interview clips, you must watch one clip connected to your topic. After watching the clip, provide a summary of the interview, listing the name of the person interviewed, the date of the interview, and the topic of discussion. In your summary, list something you learned and a question you want to be answered. The summary should encourage further examination, exploration, and debate. It must be in essay format (a minimum of 200 words) and typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman, and in 12-point font. Additionally, be sure to correct any grammar errors.

Step 3: Create a playlist (name of clip and URL of the clip, which you can copy and paste) of all the interview clips (from the CRBB OH Project website) that could serve as possible sources for your topic. For example, if I chose police brutality as a topic, my playlist would consist of clips related to police brutality. Place your playlist underneath the summary.

The summary and the playlist should be submitted together as a Word or PDF file. There is no need to select interviews from other sources. Your summary and playlist should come only from the CCRB website: https://crbb.tcu.edu/