Criminal Justice Question

Response Essay 4

Choose one of the following topics to write about:

  1. ) Do individuals that associate with deviant peers become deviant, or do deviant individuals seek out similar peers? Explain your rationale.
  2. ) Some labeling theorists would argue that the best response to increased criminal activity is no response; that is, to not respond to the violation in any formal manner. Explain the rationale underlying this position.
  3. ) Are all types of violence bad? What are some forms of violence that we accept in society?

Remember that you essay should be at least three pages in length and no more than four pages, have at least two sources cited, and be in APA format. Make sure you discuss what was read, summarize the topic, and academically analyze the topic.

APA formatting directions can be found here: apa_formatting_and_styleguide/general_format.html.