BIOL 320 Restoring Vertebrates Paper

In your paper you must touch on the following topics about the restoration and conservation of vertebrate species (Does not necessarily have to be in this order):

  •  Explain what extinction means o Include natural extinctions and mass extinctions.
  • Explain what extirpation means.
  • Explain how humans have aided in extinctions and extirpations of vertebrates in general.
  • A brief explanation on the ecology of your chosen vertebrate.
  • How your vertebrate has/had become endangered/vulnerable/threatened? o Include former and current geographic range/abundance.
  • How have humans had an impact on this organism?
  • What steps are being taken for this vertebrate to become restored?
  • How humans can help to protect this vertebrate?

The paper should be 12 size font, double spaced MLA or APA format. Images and maps can be included but not necessary. You must use intext citations and have a references section. References should include scholarly sources, such as journal articles. The paper is worth 100 points.

You can choose based on the following animals:
American Alligators, Bald Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, Brown Pelicans, Komodo Dragons, California Condor, Whooping Cranes, Grizzly Bear, Black-footed Ferret, American Plains Bison, Giant Panda, Mountain Gorilla, Elephant, Jaguar, Florida Panther, Grey Wolf, Chinook Salmon, Loggerhead Sea turtle, Ocelot, Sea Otter, West Indian Manatee, Hawaiian Monk Seal