Alex is 33 years old and has been obese since he was a teenager. During this period, he has also developed type 2 diabetes. Alex struggles to find sustainable employment and suffers from depression. Alex’s attitude towards food is driven by his mental state: he is someone who eats for comfort. He currently takes medication for diabetes and depression and regularly meets with his GP to discuss and evaluate these two conditions. Alex has been advised by his GP to seek advice regarding changing his diet because not only will this have positive
effects on his mental state but losing weight will also lessen the impact of his diabetes. Alex’s daily meals usually include a breakfast from McDonald’s, including a McMuffin and a milkshake. He snacks throughout the day on chips, biscuits, and doughnuts before having a lunch of fish and chips with a Coke. For dinner, he usually has either pizza or pasta and a beer or Coke.

1. Identify Alex’s daily eating patterns using the Standard Dietary Guidelines.

2. How can Alex improve his nutrition habits to achieve healthy dietary patterns?