Joseph Campbell’s book.

In Joseph Campbell’s book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, he states that there is a common story of the hero across cultures and times found in religious stories, legends, and fairy tales and that this story is in fact everyone’s journey of self-actualization. In an essay, describe stages 1, 3, and 9 of the hero’s journey (the call to adventure, crossing the first threshold, and apotheosis). In the introduction to the essay, identify and explain Campbell’s thesis of his book and define the following terms in the classic Greek sense: hero, myth, and inspiration (each with full descriptions, which by the way are in the lectures and not necessarily from the book). For each of the stages listed above provide the following information and in this order:

1) a full definition of the stage (several sentences)

2) the purpose of the stage

3) provide one full example (several sentences) for each stage, either from Campbell’s book or from lectures. (Do not use examples from Malala because you will be writing a paper on her later.) The length of your essay should be approximately 3 – 4 pages and any exam longer than 5 pages will have a point reduction.Make sure every sentence has an identifiable subject and verb.