Business Communications

Locate a website, video, article, podcast, or presentation offering writing advise that aligns with the content topics listed under the ULOs above. Videos can be humorous as long as they are appropriate for all audiences. Summarize and provide an evaluation of what you learned from the resource. Include the website, video, article, podcast, or presentation in your discussion and cite it using APA format at the end of your post. A minimum of two response posts to your classmate or instructor is required. Responses to your classmates or instructor should provide thoughtful insight into the topic, include information that directly relates to the course content, and moves the group discussion forward in an effective manner. Response posts for this discussion should provide additional insight regarding the quality of the information presented, the use of plain language, and additional evaluation. Please note that student should not be providing opinion based statements regarding the content of the professional communication example. Each response post should include a minimum of 100 words. Each post must demonstrate proper grammar, spelling, word usage, and effective communication practices


  • Identify attributes of quality information.
  • Assess the value of using plain language, and define active and passive voice.
  • Manage the process careful revision and evaluating various business messages.