Project of Advance Computer Architecture

Codes are required and steps too in C language:

1) Get Halt & noop Instruction working in your simulation. Provide the commands to compile and run the test case for halt and noop. 5 Points.

2) Implement Add & Nand & Mult (assuming NO hazards.) Provide instructions to compile and run test cases for add, nand, and mult. 3 Points.

3) Implement LW and SW (assuming no hazards.) Provide instructions to compile and run test cases. 3 Points.

4) Implement BEQ assuming no hazards (just put in no ops.) Provide instructions to compile and run test cases. 3 Points.

5) Implement Data Forwarding (After all instructions are implemented, add forwarding for data hazards). Provide instructions for compiling and running each of your tests. 5 Points.

6) Implement Branch Speculation (After all instructions are implemented, implement speculate and squash (if needed.)) Provide instructions for compiling and running each of your tests. 5 Points. Towards Midterm;

7) Implement GShare for the simulator.