This week’s assignment will require some speculation and also, an argument that turns a contemporary project into a future precedent.

In an essay of no more than 300 words, describe the conceptual understanding of the body by 1) Classicist architecture, and 2) Modernist architecture. You should derive that view and cite your source as an attribution in your text (i.e., “According to Colomina, ….(paraphrase)..” (footnote, page number). After describing the Classicist and the Modernist viewpoint, please speculate on what the conceptual understanding of the body will be in 2050. You should use some outside resource (an article in Wired, for example) to make your case for that conceptual understanding to occur in that near future. Finally, based on that near-future body, please use a current architectural project (last 10 years!) that you think is “leading” towards that future body. You will need to defend your choice using specific attributes of that building or scheme.