Marriot, Tata Motors, and Sony are three major companies that have gone through a complete restructuring in some area of their organization. For this PowerPoint presentation, you will choose one of these companies to research.

The company is SONY.

For your research, you will discover what data collection methods were used in order to have the necessary data for the restructuring process. In addition, you will research what types of data were collected. Finally, you will research how the data was used in the restructuring process. Specifically, your submission should include the elements listed below:
1. Provide an overview of your chosen company and what issues they faced in the organizational development (OD) process.
2. Discuss the data collection methods used and why these methods were chosen over other data collection methods.
3. Discuss the data that was collected and how this data was used in the OD process.
4. Include a summary of how the restructuring process has impacted the organization, and provide recommendations for what you would have done differently in the data collection process.

Your presentation submission should be a minimum of 10 content slides and include at least two scholarly sources. Your
presentation should also include speaker notes for each slide. APA Style should be used throughout the presentation.

Textbook Link:

Assessment and Diagnosis for Organization Development: