Discussion post

1. Watch the https://youtu.be/8nC-JEKU-FY

“Google” video posted in this week’s folder before participation in the discussion forum. Based on viewing the video, comment on the benefits offered by Google to its employees and explain what impact those benefits have on employees’ morale, productivity, and retention. What, if any, of these benefits would appeal to you personally (from an employee point of view)? Why? What recommendation would you provide Healthcare organizations when making decisions regarding the overall compensation and benefits package provided to their employees? End your post with a question to your classmates.

Your initial post should comprise a minimum of 250 words supported by at least two (2) scholarly peer-reviewed references

2. The HR departments exist in all healthcare organizations for hiring, onboarding, and training staff. Discuss how the HR activities differ in a typical healthcare facility (like hospital) than the ordinary business organizations. Is it more complex than the business organizations? Why background checks are more important for hiring staff for healthcare facilities than the ordinary business organizations?

Your initial post should comprise a minimum of 250 words supported by at least two (2) scholarly peer-reviewed references