Discussion two cases

Case 1

  • You have a small healthcare consulting business. Company named HealthNet Insutance plans to acquire a new Web-base scheduling system, and has hired you to evaluate bids from vendors. Your spouse is a Director for one of the bidders, Networkx.  She oversaw most of the writing for the bid, you read the bid, and you think it is excellent.   The bid is about $750,000
  • Will you tell about your spouse’s connection with Networksx?
  • How will you position yourself?
  • Will you recommend Networksx to HealthNet Insurance?


Case 2

  • Case #3. You are a member of a team working on a computer-controlled crash-avoidance system for medical records management. You think the system has a flaw that could endanger your patient’s privacy and, possibly, health.
  • The project manager does not seem concerned and is excited about announcing completion of the project soon. The department’s bonus depends on it, too.
  • Are you obligated to do anything?