Ethics in Marketing

Consider the impact information on a product’s supply chain might have in this context? Should, for example, a celebrity endorses a product if the product’s manufacturing depends upon a supply chain with negative impact on the environment, for example? Suppose the product itself relies upon ethical suppliers, but other products in the organization’s supply chain might not? Any change? Conduct some additional research exploring supply chains of favorite products. How might you best evaluate chains for ethics and sustainability?

What are some of the most reliable resources consumers might look to in order to make more informed purchasing decisions? What resources might you recommend (and why)?

What about for consumers interested in supply chains and sustainability commitments? What resources might an interested consumer Does this unit increase or decrease your motivation to consume organic food products? Explain why.

What is a more important motivation—in your view—for consuming organic food: a) that it is better for your health, or b) that it is better for the environment and for farm workers? Explain.