You are a financial advisor working with a $6 billion public corporation that is looking to raise an additional $200 million in equity (you are free to choose industry and project). There are three alternative ways to raise this capital: a bond issue (15 years maturity), a seasoned equity offering (SEO), and a rights offering. In your essay, analyze each of these options and discuss the relevant questions that the corporation should conside r when deciding which approach to take.

Begin maybe by providing a brief overview of the three alternative ways to raise capital: Bonds, SEO, and rights offering. Then, you should discuss the relevant questions that the corporation should consider when deciding which approach to take. Some of the key ques tions to address might include:
✓ What are the costs associated with each of these options, including legal and underwriting fees, as well as the costs of comp liance with regulations? ✓ How much control over the company will the current shareholders be willing to cede to new investors in each of these options?
✓ What is the expected demand for the company’s shares among potential investors, and how might this affect the pricing of the new shares?
✓ What is the company’s current financial position, and how might this impact the attractiveness of each of the financing options?
✓ What is the company’s growth potential, and how might this impact the timing and size of the financing?

In addition to these questions, you may want to consider other factors that are specific to the company, such as its industry, competitors, and strategic goals. Your analysis should weigh the pros and cons of each financing option and offer a recommendation for the corporation on which approach to take based on the information you have gathered.