Writing Question

Write a critical reflection paper focused on the process and experience of making the final project. In your response, please consider the following questions, and formulate a clear, concise, and well-organized discussion that uses specific examples for support.

  1. What was your group’s initial vision for the film, and how did this evolve through the different stages of the production cycle (pre-production, shooting, and editing)? Did any of the prior class exercises/projects inform your group’s approach to the final?
  2. How did cinematography, sound, or editing contribute to the storytelling of your final project? Describe at least one specific concept or technique from class (lecture, section, or readings) that your group applied in the film, and how it helps to shape the way your audience interprets or experiences the story.
  3. What was the most challenging aspect of this project, and how did your group address it? What do you find most successful about the finished film? What do you feel could be improved, either technically or conceptually?
  4. What did you learn about yourself as a film or media maker this quarter, or about the filmmaking process as a whole? Has the experience of producing work for this class impacted your approach to future creative endeavors? Feel free to include any additional reflections about your experience in the course.
  5. Please include a brief summary of your duties and responsibilities on the final project, and describe your contributions across the production process (e.g. pre-production & pitch preparation, production, editing, etc). What was your experience of working in collaboration with your colleagues? Do you feel that your group succeeded in sharing the responsibilities of the project equitably?