Movie Breakdown
Pick a movie you are very familiar with ie: you have seen recently or several times, and answer the following questions. Try to be very concise, keeping your answers to just the most germane points of the answers.
- What is the title of the movie?
- What is the mashup (two movies smashed together to make this movie).
- Write the logline (one sentence that encapsulates the entire movie).…
- What early scene sets the plot in motion?
- Who is the main character/protagonist?
- Who is the antagonist or main obstacle?
- What is the Inciting Incident or Plot Point 1 (end of act 1)?
- What is the main character’s goal and motivation?
- What is the Midpoint or Plot Point 2a (high action in middle of the movie)?
- What is the Moment of Decision or Plot Point #2b (end of act 2)?
- What is the Final Action Plot Point 3 climax and conclusion of the movie?
- What is the main character’s internal need?
- How do we see the main character arc from his/her goal to their internal need