Movie Breakdown

Pick a movie you are very familiar with ie: you have seen recently or several times, and answer the following questions. Try to be very concise, keeping your answers to just the most germane points of the answers.

  1. What is the title of the movie?
  2. What is the mashup (two movies smashed together to make this movie).
  3. Write the logline (one sentence that encapsulates the entire movie).…
  4. What early scene sets the plot in motion?
  5. Who is the main character/protagonist?
  6. Who is the antagonist or main obstacle?
  7. What is the Inciting Incident or Plot Point 1 (end of act 1)?
  8. What is the main character’s goal and motivation?
  9. What is the Midpoint or Plot Point 2a (high action in middle of the movie)?
  10. What is the Moment of Decision or Plot Point #2b (end of act 2)?
  11. What is the Final Action Plot Point 3 climax and conclusion of the movie?
  12. What is the main character’s internal need?
  13. How do we see the main character arc from his/her goal to their internal need