Read articles and answering the following questions

Read the articles at the following websites for information on death with dignity. You will get some good food for thought. There is a nice glossary in the first link and a nice FAQ section in link number 4. I had quite a bit of difficulty finding articles that were current. Most seemed to be quite old so if you find any please let me know.

Death With Dignity Glossary

Arguing the Right to Die

Disparity of Hope

Resources for Families

  1. I know you probably have not thought much about your own death, but what have your experiences been in the area of death (relatives, friends). Did your loved ones utilize any of the options you read about (hospice, living will, palliative care etc?)
  1. What have you done to prepare you and your family for the end of your life? Some of you are young, but have you completed a durable power of attorney for health care and discussed issues with your family in case of a life threatening accident or disease?
  1. What is the status of your personal records? Do you have a system in place to keep your important documents safe? If you are young a simple accordion folder may be sufficient. Later in the life cycle a file drawer may be needed.