Philosophy question

Answer 3 of the following five questions. Each answer should be a minimum of 300 words.

1. What is Kant’s definition of Enlightenment? According to Kant, why is it difficult for most people to achieve? Do you agree with Kant? Do all people have a moral duty to think for themselves? Why or why not? Please give reasons to support your position.

2. In The Apology, why did Socrates break the law? Do we have an obligation to obey the law? What moral reasons support this obligation? Do we ever have a moral obligation to break the law? If so, what moral reasons support this obligation?

3. According to Russell, what does philosophy aim at? What type of questions does philosophy ask? According to Russell, what are practical and instinctive types of persons? Do you agree with his critique of the practical and instinctive types of persons? Why or why not? Please give reasons to support your claim.

4. Epicurus claims that if we live according to the wisdom of hedonism we will live as gods among men. What does this mean? Do you agree with Epicurus? Why or why not? Please give reasons to support your position.

5. Philosophy is translated as the love of wisdom. In your own words, what is the difference between intelligence and wisdom? Do you know anyone that is intelligent but not wise? What are some characteristics of a wise person? What are some characteristics of an intelligent person? Are there any significant differences between the two concepts?