Minitab Assignment Number 2

  1. The following data are commute times (in minutes) from your professor’s home to work for 25 consecutive workdays. Key the data in Minitab in C1 and name the column Commute Times.
  2. Construct a histogram in Minitab of your professor’s commute times. Your first Minitab assignment walks you through how to create a histogram, and there are videos in your Canvas course.

Make sure your histogram includes the following:

  • Appropriate title
  • Appropriate time units identified in the plot on the x-axis (title)
  • Footnote explaining what the class length is and an example of the first-class lower and upper boundaries.


Copy graph below this line and size it as:   4 X 6

Explain the shape of the histogram in detail, what, why, when, how


What is the shape of the histogram, and explain in detail the what, why, when, how, etc.?  
What is the class length?  
What would you recommend at this point and why?  


  1. The 21stcommute time, 37.4 minutes, reflects a day when your professor left home without his laptop computer and had to turn around to retrieve it. Remove this outlier from the data set and reconstruct the histogram.


Copy the second histogram below this line and size it 4 X 6


Explain the shape of the histogram in detail, what, why, when, how

What is the shape of the histogram and explain in detail the what, why, when, how, etc.?  
What is the class length?  
What would you recommend at this point and why?  

Run Basic Statistics on the data in column C1. 

.> Go to Stat>Basic Statistics>Display Distributive Statistics and select the column. Select the Statistics button and select the options we have learned in class: mean, sd, variance, coefficient of variation, first quartile, median, third quartile, interquartile range, mode, minimum, maximum, range.


Variable Mean SE Mean StDev Variance CoefVar Minimum Q1 Median Q3 Maximum
C2 18.131 0.0883 0.442 0.195 2.44 17.200 17.850 18.100 18.435 19.100
Variable Range IQR Mode N for
C2 1.900 0.585 18 5  



Answer these questions

By looking at the results, what makes you think the shape is symmetrical? Explain  
Explain coefVar  
Explain Q1, Q3, IQR  
Explain the variance and how we use it  
What is the interval for 68, 95, 99 percentage of the data?  
What would be your cursory prediction be about the professor’s commute times?  


  1. Below is a stem-and-leaf plot of the NBA teams’ payroll salaries for the 2013-14 season, in millions of dollars.



  • How many teams had salaries of at least 70 million dollars?


  • What is the median team salary for the 30 NBA teams?
  • What percentage of teams had salaries at least 59 million?
  • What salary represents the 75 percentile?
  • What shape is the data?
  • What percentile is the fifth position number of 59 million?


  1. Below are the ages at which U.S. presidents began their first terms, increasing in order from George Washington to Barack Obama, with Grover Cleveland serving 2 nonconsecutive terms. This is an entire population of data, not a sample.

(a) Create a histogram and run basic statistics.


Explain what you see in detail:


Variable Mean SE Mean StDev Variance CoefVar Minimum Q1 Median Q3 Maximum
C3 54.432 0.895 5.935 35.228 10.90 42.000 51.000 54.500 57.750 69.000
Variable Range IQR Mode N for
C3 27.000 6.750 51, 54 5