Exploring Research Topics

Name:  _______________     Degree Concentration: Business Management



Will your study be an applied research study or traditional dissertation research?


  1. As a researcher, my interest in this topic is to
    1. gain knowledge and advance my field or discipline.
    2. evaluate a program or practice or solve a problem of practice.


  1. My study will address a
    1. gap that currently exists in the literature/research.
    2. problem that currently exists in my organization or field.


  1. The framework for my study is
    1. theoretical (will test a theory, expand understanding of a theory, or develop a new theory).
    2. conceptual (will seek resolution to a problem, result in a new/revised product or process).


  1. My study will contribute to the
    1. field or discipline by adding to the body of knowledge that currently exists on the topic.
    2. mission or goals of the organization by applying an intervention or solution to a problem


  1. The results of my study will
    1. lead to recommendations for further research in my field or discipline.
    2. have potential for immediate application by practitioners in my organization or field.


If you selected “a” as your response to most of the questions above, then your study has criteria of traditional dissertation research.  Follow the AU guidelines for dissertation research.  If you selected “b” as your response to most of the questions, then your study has criteria of applied research.  Follow the AU framework for applied research.

 Based on the preliminary questions above, and consultation with faculty, my research will be:   ___ (a) dissertation research     ____ (b) applied research

Possible Title:   List the potential title of your study. This should reveal your primary research objective.

Problem Background:  What problem exists that led you to become interested in studying this topic?  Who does this problem impact (population)? How does it affect the setting/subjects you are interested in studying?

Purpose Statement:  What is the purpose of your study?  What do you hope to accomplish?

Setting/Subjects:  Describe the participants (subjects or setting) for the study.


Research Question 1:

Intervention or Instrument: What type of data must be collected to answer RQ 1?

Data Analysis:  How will you analyze the data you collect to answer RQ 1?

IV/DV and their measurements


Research Question 2:

Intervention or Instrument: What type of data must be collected to answer RQ 2?

Data Analysis:  How will you analyze the data you collect to answer RQ 2?

IV/DV and their measurements



Research Question 3:

Intervention or Instrument: What type of data must be collected to answer RQ 3?

Data Analysis:  How will you analyze the data you collect to answer RQ 3?

IV/DV and their measurements