PSYC 431 – Senior Research Seminar in Psychology

The introduction criteria were Write a concise introduction to your research project that includes: Introduction of the problem area, The importance of the problem/topic, an Introduction of the independent and dependent variables and their relationship, Statistics of the number of people or events affected by the problem, Objectives of the research study, and A thesis statement. Then Write 5 literature reviews that gather background information on the topic and represent a comprehensive review of the research in that topic area, record the source of data as transition statements that connect the different research studies and lead logically into the hypotheses written in the style described in the Seventh Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) for writing term and research papers. Then, Write the Method section of your research paper to include participants, measures, procedure, research design, and data analysis. Then on a second document take 3 of the articles used in the literature review and summarize them.