Read Chapter 14 – How to Motivate Your Prospects to Action

After reading the article, write a detailed summary on Emotional Appeal in Advertising and mention any concepts/terms from the textbook (e.g., from the chapters read so far) that can be linked to the article.

Does Emotional Appeal Work in Advertising? The Rationality Behind Using Emotional Appeal to Create Favorable Brand Attitude

by Tapan K Panda, Tapas K Panda, and Kamalesh Mishra

*(Try copying and pasting the link into your browser to open)

Chapter 14 – How to Motivate Your Prospect to Action

The art of motivating a prospect to accept your recommendations has far more to do with your relationship skills and listening ability than it does with issues of product or price. Earning a prospect’s confidence does not occur in a single moment nor is it created with a clever phrase or a glib presentation, but instead is built on a solid foundation of trust and rapport.