Answer true or false for every single of them

1.Money market accounts pay lower interest rates than regular savings accounts.

2.Compound interest is earned on your principal, as well as on any interest earned previously.

3.A dividend is a portion of a company’s profits that they will share with their investors

.4. Interest is the payment you receive for allowing the bank to use your money.

5. Investing in a variety of investments with different levels of risk is called diversification.

6. Bonds are riskier investments than stocks.

7. The degree of risk and the rate of return are not related.

8. A bondholder has actually loaned money to the company who sold the bond.

9. An advantage of a certificate of deposit is that you can withdraw your money at any time without any penalties.

10. When you buy stock in a company, you are guaranteed to receive a profit.

11.Penny stocks are less risky than blue chip stocks

.12. The money you have on deposit in a savings account, CD, or other saving option is called the principal.