Research & Summaries Question

Section 1

Step 1 in action research model is client identifies a problem. Therefore, provide background to problem(s). Provide detail including major players, symptoms of the problem(s) (i.e. turnover is increased, many customer complaints, shooting incident etc.). In this section, you want to briefly review and convince the client that you understand and can describe their pain. What is dysfunctional? Not working? Changing? Why does this organization need an OD consultant?

Section 2

Step 2 in action research model is to consult an OD consultant. In this section, provide a brief biography of each team member (i.e. 1 paragraph description for each member). Discuss your assumptions and philosophical approach to OD (hint- this would be a good time to discuss reframing and how it can be helpful).

Section 3

Step 3 in action research model is for OD consultant to gather data and make a preliminary diagnosis. Here’s where the real work begins! You will need to actually collect data from an organization. Remember, there a number of ways to do this including interviews, surveys, observations, and archival data (i.e. annual reports, published information from media, books written about the organization etc.). Be sure to include information as to why you chose the data collection technique that you did and discuss pros and cons of your choice. Remember, multiple methods are best! You will need to collect as much data as you feel you need to make a good

Section 4

Step 4 in the action research model is to provide feedback to the key client or group. This section of the proposal should include a synopsis of the data that you collected. You may use the feedback forms provided in class as samples or create your own format.

Section 5

Step 5 in the action research model is to jointly diagnose problems with the client and step 6 is to jointly action plan for solutions. Assume that you are working jointly with your client (of course, if you can actually do so, than so much the better but I certainly do not expect this!). This is the longest and most challenging part of your proposal. Here is where you need to take the data that you collected, interpret it using the 4-frame approach, and come up with recommendations (i.e. OD interventions) for solving problems. This section will probably be approximately 6-10 pages. I highly recommend that you use sub-headings within this section. For example, you may want to begin by analyzing the organization using each of the 4 frames as a reference. Next, you should discuss what OD interventions or recommendations you would suggest for resolving each of the issues or problems surfaced from your 4-frame analysis (i.e. teambuilding, reengineering, mentoring, job enrichment). Be sure to clarify how and why you think each intervention would be useful. Assume that your client is relatively naive about the various interventions so provide enough explanation that a layperson would understand.

Section 6

Step 7 in the action research model is action and implementation. Therefore, in this section provide a preliminary action plan which includes information such as time frame, pros and cons of various interventions, and who would be involved in each intervention.

Section 7

Briefly address how you recommend that the client evaluate the efficacy of your recommended approach.