T227 Change, Strategy and Projects at Work

Task 1: Writing Re port Use Report Template Available in Moodle

Provide a report named “Project Title_Student Name_Student ID.doc” that describes the definition phase and planning phase of your selected project. Use the Report Template.

The definition phase of the project plan must discuss the following items:

  • The change drivers for the project (Current situation vs. proposed project) (2.5 Marks)
  • The goals (Performance goals) of your project (2.5 marks)
  • The technical (2 marks) and functional (2 Marks) specifications of your project. (Total: 4 marks)
  • The team and responsibilities (of the members involved in developing the project) (4 marks = 2 for the listed Team + 2 for the corresponding responsibilities)


The planning phase of the project plan must include the following:

  • Work Breakdown structure (WBS) that includes phases and numbered activities (5 marks)
  • Cost estimation and budgeting related to the project from start to end: It must include the cost of technical resources (5 marks) and other expenses such as: materials, subcontracting, office space, testing facilities, equipment, etc…(2.5 marks)
  • Network activity diagram(Includes all the activities and MUST be compatible with the WBS above) (5 marks)
  • Critical path and project duration (Based on your network diagram above) (3 marks)

The report must be written in clear English language and should range between 1350 and1650 words.


Task 2: Implementation using MS Project OR GanttProject

Using MS Project or GanttProject (Open Source), create the project plan named as follows:

“Project Title_StudentName_StudentID.mpp”.

The following information presented in the MPP file must be consistent with the information presented in the report in Task 1 (the planning phase):

– Gantt chart (created using MS Project or GanttProject) (2 marks)

– PERT diagram (created using MS Project or GanttProject) (2 marks)



Task 3: Oral Power Point Presentation

  • Create a Power Point presentation describing the outline of your project and capturing a summary of the main points. The presentation must be named:

“Project Title_Student Name_Student ID.ppt”;

  • Using the prepared presentation above, present your project in class (if module is run on campus) otherwise record the power point presentation using the recording feature in MS PPT, save the recorded file and upload it to Moodle along with the other file (compressed);
  • The class presentation or the recorded PPT MUST be in clear English (5 marks);
  • The marks for Task 3 will be allocated based on the quality of the slides (5 marks), and the degree to which the student is convincing in his/her project plan proposal (2.5 marks) (Total Marks for Task 3 = 10 marks)