Interpersonal communication/relationship


The purpose of this paper is to apply multiple interpersonal communication concepts and theories we covered throughout this course to the relational experience you choose. In other words, what you are doing is putting together theory (course concepts) and practice (your personal life world).


You will demonstrate your knowledge and understanding about interpersonal communication through analysis of a particular interpersonal relationship. For example, you may want to examine elements of cultural communication with a new friend; conflict with a roommate, parent or within your family; listening skills with a romantic partner; power issues with a co-worker; forgiveness with a friend, etc. You may need or wish to include more than one friend, roommate, family member, partner, etc.– perhaps to make a comparison. While your analysis may draw on concepts from various chapters, it should support your overall thesis (that is, the focus statement of your paper).


Choose and apply at least 10 concepts or theories from any bolded term in our textbook or found in the Key Concepts list at the end of each chapter. This will allow you to apply a scholarly, informed analysis