Piece of news

In the first paragraph, discuss a piece of news that came out regarding the country over the course of the week leading up to that Friday. The news source is up to you.

After the first paragraph where you discuss the piece of news, write another paragraph analyzing the news source that you used: what is the audience targeted by that news source; can you identify any inherent biases that news source may have (for example: do they have an agenda and if so, what is it; who is their target audience; do they have a particular political leaning; do they express the views of the owner, who is the owner and what are their views; are they pro- or against a particular country or policy issue). This second paragraph can be shorter, sometimes a couple of sentences may suffice as long as the required content is covered. If you use the same source of news for a subsequent Friday news post, you may copy-paste the second paragraph where you analyze the news source.