Research & Summaries Question

For this assignment, you will conduct a literature review of a specific mindfulness treatment (e.g., MBCT, MBSR, MBCT-C, ACT, DBT) and a health outcome. This health outcome is up to you. It can be a physical diagnosis, mental health diagnosis, or something relevant to your specific treatment (e.g., sports health outcomes, work health, etc.). Note, if you choose a modality that has mindfulness as a component and not the bulk of the treatment (e.g., ACT, DBT, etc), focus your paper on the mindfulness components of this treatment. Your literature review should include:

– Exploration into the causal relationship between the intervention and the health outcome (including lack of evidence!) Discuss how mindfulness improves this specific outcome, including drawing hypotheses from what we’ve discussed in class. This is the bulk of the paper

– Strengths and limitations of the current research. 1-2 pages

– Discuss future directions of this topic based on current research. Where would you like to see this research go next? How would you like to see this expanded. (Populations, settings, etc). 1-2 pages