Heroism In Beowulf

Basic instructions: Compose a 4-page paper discussing the main character’s heroism or lack thereof in the poem Beowulf. Your thesis statement and your paper in general should argue whether Beowulf was or was not a hero and three reasons why.

Define honor. What makes a hero in your opinion?

Include in your paper lines from the epic poem that show Beowulf’s heroism or lack thereof. Be sure to cite your sources. What actions did he take or state of mind did he have that show that he is or is not a hero? What characteristics did he have that made him a hero or not a hero? Remember to cite your sources.

Do you consider Beowulf to be brave? How does bravery relate to heroism? Is a hero always brave?

Allusion: What other characters or people do Beowulf’s actions reflect that illuminate how he is or is not a hero? How does he compare to others that are considered heroes?

Figurative language: How does the figurative language in the epic poem underscore his heroism or lack thereof?

Consider these questions about Beowulf when writing your major assignment.