HIS-380: Renaissance and Reformation

Topic 2: Turmoil in the Church

Answer each of the following questions with answers of 200-300 words each.

Use the textbook, class materials, and lecture notes to prepare your responses and include APA style citations. Include an APA style reference page at the end of the worksheet.

  1. Explain the Babylonian Captivity & the Great Western Schism. What damage do these controversies do to Papal authority?  (Cite McGrill in your response)
  2. What is Conciliarism? How does the Conciliar movement undermine papal authority?  (Cite Skarsten in your response)
  3. Who was Jan Hus and what is significant about his writing, De Ecclesia (The Church)? Why would the Church, who had controlled Europe for several hundred years, be so afraid of the ideas from one person like Hus? (Cite Didomizo in your response)
  4. At the end of the Middle Ages, what was the state of affairs between the Church and monarchies in Western Europe? (Provides specific examples)
  5. How do these examples of turmoil in, and around, the Church undermine the authority of the Church that dominated Europe for centuries?