Unit 5: Discussion 1 – Conducting Business Research


In this discussion, students will explore effective strategies for conducting business research. Students will share and evaluate the creditability of secondary sources.


  • Design an effective process for conducting business research.


Post your answer to the following topics by Thursday. Respond to two or more fellow classmates (2 posts) by Sunday. When crafting your posts, be considerate, resourceful, and pay special attention to the advancement of the discussion.

Find two websites that provides business information such as company or industry news, trends, analysis, facts or performance data. Using the criteria discussed under “Evaluating Sources” on page 376, evaluate the credibility of the information presented at these websites. Do not post an evaluation of a website that has already been provided and evaluated. Check the forum before posting your resource. Credit will not be given for repeat websites.

Initial discussion posts should directly address all parts of the discussion requirement. The initial post should be a minimum of five complete paragraphs in addition to the APA formatted reference for each resource.

A minimum of two response posts to your classmates is required. Response posts for this discussion should address the source evaluations. Review the Evaluating Sources” on page 376 to develop our response messages. Responses to your classmates should demonstrate an understanding of source evaluation. Each response post should include a minimum of 100 words. Each post must demonstrate proper grammar, spelling, word usage and effective communication practices.