Chemical Engineering Question

The assignment is to debunk common climate change myths using peer-reviewed science. For each of the three myths below, provide a written rebuttal that uses the peer-reviewed literature as your primary source. Your response to each question can be no longer than 200 words (brevity is good). Make sure you include at the end of your answer the full bibliographic information for the article(s) you cite (not included in the word count).

Myth 1: There has always been natural variation in Earth’s climate, going back millennia. In fact, before there were humans on Earth, there were periods warmer than we have today. Therefore, today’s climate is just part of natural variations (including variations in the solar cycle) that have always occurred.

Myth 2: Extreme cold weather events, rare snow events, etc. disprove a warming climate. The most notable example came when Senator James Inhofe (Oklahoma) gave a speech on the Senate floor in 2014 where he cited such evidence.

Myth 3: Climate change might be happening but it’s not a big deal (in fact, it might actually have net benefits). People are resilient and adaptable. We can shift crop production north and go on with life essentially “as is”.