Union Representation Memo

As a HR manager, your employees conducted a campaign for unionization and your organization is now subject to union representation and a negotiated CBA is in place. You are tasked to write a memorandum to management n supervisors advising them of new expectations for management in the now unionized environment. Memo must address the following:

1. what are major differences, from organization’s perspective, in operating in a union-free environment vs a unionized environment? Discuss at least 3 changes for management in a union environment.

2. In the new unionized workplace, discuss at least 2 NLRA legal rights or prohibitions of Management, Employees, and Union Representative.

3. What’s the potential impact of unionization on the following administrative function? Discuss this in terms of how the new CBA potentially impacts each of the following management/supervisory functions:
– Performance Management/Evaluation of Employees
– Employee Discipline
– Job Security
– Wages and Benefits
– Health and Safety

4. In addition to increased costs of wages and benefits for union employees, what are additional increased costs the organization may expect to incur due to unionization? Provide at least 3 examples.