Intro to Reasoning video questions

Watch the video and answer the following questions:

broadcast in 1972 and then address the following questions:

1) What does publicity propose to each of us? How does Berger define publicity?

2) What constitutes glamour? Why is glamour a new idea? What kind of society produces social envy?

3) In which ways is the use of color photography in advertising similar to traditional oil painting and in which way is it different? How does publicity use art?

4) How does publicity persuade us? How does it make use of our desires and fears? How does it use sexual motives?

5) How does publicity create a gap between our real life and our dream life? What is the relationship of publicity to events and to time?

6) What is the political role played by publicity? What is, according to Berger, shocking about the contrast between ads and news reports?

Why does Berger think our culture is mad? Why are publicity images eventually so bleak?

7) The book and the series appeared in 1972, more than 40 years ago. Is what Berger said about advertisment and Western culture still true today? What is the same, and what has changed? What do you make of his approach?

Your response should have at least 2 pages double spaced, Times New Roman, font 12.