Performing a Regression Analysis

Use the Assignment 5 Regression data set. Perform the analysis noted and be sure all questions are answered completely and professionally. Do not use abbreviated or incomplete sentences when responding.

A recruiter for Lion Stores has received data (see Assignment 5 Regression Data Set) which provides the amount of money the company spent on print, web, and TV advertising In Texas over the past 22 months and the resulting number of applications received from job applications during the months. The recruiter is asking you as the business analyst to provide a model to help her predict the number of applications the company should expect based on a given advertising mix.

  • a. Provide scatter plots showing the relationship between the number of applications received and each of the predictor variables. What do the plots suggest?
  • b. Run the complete regression function using all predictor variables. What is the resulting estimated regression function? Be sure and explain the multiple linear regression equation details (this is very important for the client to understand).
  • c. Using all 3 of the predictor variables, run a regression on the data and provide the adjusted R2.. What does this indicate?
  • d. From the multiple linear regression ANOVA, what does the significance of F indicate?
  • e. From the multiple linear regression ANOVA, what do the pvalues indicate?
  • f. Based on your responses, what analytical assessment can you provide relative to the multiple regression equation null hypothesis (h0)?
  • g. Current budgets indicated the recruiter will receive $3200 for print, $4100 for web, and $6800 for TV. Based on the model provided, what prediction can you provide to the recruiter as to number of applications? Show your work on how you determined the answer.