Eng comp I

Some of the questions that follow are true-false or multiple choice questions, and some require you to write short answers.

Before writing a summary, you may want to preview the work by ______________.

  • gaining a quick overview of the article by reading the introduction and conclusion
  • considering ways in which the title condenses the article’s meaning
  • note any words that have been emphasized with italic or boldface type
  • all of the these

FILL-IN: Reporting information in your own words and style without condensing it is called ______________.

TRUE or FALSE: _____ If you borrow only a single sentence (without proper attribution) it is not plagiarism.

Which of the following is not an effective way to avoid plagiarism?

  • Read the information, set it aside, and then try to explain it in your own words and style.
  • Use an online thesaurus to change most of the words in a found passage.
  • Once you’ve written a paraphrase, compare your words and sentence structure to those of the original.
  • Credit the original source with an in-text citation.

TRUE or FALSE: _____ A summary is also referred to as a précis or abstract.

TRUE or FALSE: _____ It is a good idea to insert your own ideas and opinions into any summary you write.

TRUE or FALSE: _____Simply changing one or two words from the original is not a paraphrase.

FILL-IN: If you omit the irrelevant words in a quotation, you must show the omission by including _____________ in place of the deleted words.


Which of the following is not an effective strategy for writing summary?

  • Preserve the balance and proportion of the original work.
  • Periodically refer to the author or article to emphasize that this is a summary.
  • Include three or more quotations from the text in each paragraph of summary.
  • Express the main points and key details in your own words.

TRUE or FALSE: ______ If you want to use a quotation that is longer than four lines, you should block the quotation, indenting it by an extra margin.