Social Policy and Advocacy Assignment

One of the goals of this class is to examine how social policies in health, education, social services, and justice impact young people and families in Canada. For this assignment, you will research a social policy that affects young people and their families. You will compare various news coverages of the policy using a graphic organizer to demonstrate the different perspectives on the chosen policy. You will then write a one-page editorial that demonstrates advocacy for young people affected by the social policy.

1. Research and select a CURRENT social policy that affects young people and their families that is currently in the news (within the last year). Look at a variety of news outlets (such as the Edmonton Journal, CBC News, Edmonton Sun, Calgary Herald, or other news outlets. You can find a list of Alberta newspapers here:
 Your instructor may suggest a specific policy – please check with your instructor for more information.

2. Once you have selected the social policy, use the attached graphic organizer to organize the different perspectives on this issue. The graphic organizer requires you to give a brief, objective overview of the policy, then offer four different perspectives on the policy (see the graphic organiser for the different perspectives you will consider).

3. Once you have completed your graphic organizer outlining four different ways to consider the social policy, write a single spaced 2-page letter to an elected official that outlines your position on the policy and advocating for specific changes to the policy on behalf of the young people affected.