
1. View the video Bipolar Disorder in Children, From the Inside—Keeping Kids Healthy; this 2012 video includes interviews with families of children with BP

(27:13; https://youtu.be/EoQM4aJY-jE )

2. View the video “Non-Medication Treatment of Child and Adolescent Bipolar Disorder” (3:44) – In this 4-minute video, Dr. Mary Fristad of Ohio State University discusses the benefits of non-medication interventions for bipolar disorder. (https://youtu.be/6vfKqde2Oro )

3. Complete DQ 6: By Friday midnight. Create your initial post on the DQ 6 Discussion Board in response to the following questions:

  • What are your thoughts after hearing more about a child’s experience with these symptoms of bipolar disorder?
  • Why is it important to name the disorder? What do you think of Dr. Fristad’s explanation?
  • What are the three key facts or concepts you learned from this chapter on pediatric bipolar disorder? Which concept did you find MOST interesting?