Paper 4: What is your stand and how does the data support you?
Prompt: Write a new argument related to your chosen issue question and use data to help support you.
- Construct a 5-6 page researched argument to the issue question you have chosen.
- You can use the working claim from Paper 3, but you cannot do the same argument as any previous paper.
- Use 5 college appropriate source (does include the data set) to support your argument.
- The paper will mainly be supported by 4 sources. 3 sources must support your argument, and the fourth will be related to your rebuttal. You should start with the sources from the Paper 3 Annotated Bibliography; however, you can change them out or add additional sources.
- Find data from a college appropriate source that will be used as evidence to support a reason or your rebuttal. Present the data as a graph and discuss the data in the paper. This counts as your fifth required source.
- Effectively support a focused claimed with audience appropriate reasons and detailed evidence.
- Use ethos and pathos to support your argument.
- Include a one paragraph rebuttal that fairly refutes some opposition to your argument. This includes evidence to support your refutation.
- Properly format and document the argument in APA style.
- Using your research, including your data, decide on a viable claim.
- Make sure to have a group of related reasons and develop them using evidence from your sources. Make sure at least four sources are used, as well as a separate source for your data set.
- Choose evidence to support every reason. At least one of these must be an analysis of your data set.
- Create a graph that illustrates the point you wish to make with the evidence. Format and document the graph using APA style.
- Make sure to have a group of related reasons and develop them using evidence from your sources. Make sure at least four sources are used, as well as a separate source for your data set.
- Find an opposing view to some part of your argument. Construct a focused rebuttal that fairly argues against the opposition’s view using evidence from college appropriate sources.
- Make sure the paper is formatted and documented using APA style. . If you use any of the sources from your Annotated Bibliography, only use the bibliography; do not include any annotations.