This is a statement that represents the intent of your presentation. What position will the presentation take in regard to the topic researched? What is the relationship you plan on showing in the presentation?
I. Introduction to presentation
A. Overview of topic
B. Plan for presentation must be presented
II. Main idea — the topic sentence (what is the first main point you will be presenting?)
A. First Subordinate idea
- Supporting detail (evidence? examples?)
- Supporting detail (evidence? examples?)
B. Second Subordinate idea
- Supporting detail (evidence? examples?)
- Supporting detail (evidence? examples?)
III. Main idea — topic sentence
A. First Subordinate idea
- Supporting detail
- Supporting detail
B. Second Subordinate idea
- Supporting detail
- Supporting detail
IV. Main idea — topic sentence
A. First Subordinate idea
- Supporting detail
- Supporting detail
B. Second Subordinate idea
- Supporting detail
- Supporting detail
V. Main idea — topic sentence
A. First Subordinate idea
- Supporting detail
- Supporting detail
B. Second Subordinate idea
- Supporting detail
- Supporting detail
VI. Conclusion