Question one:

Part 1: What would you look for when selecting a mental health consultant for the negotiating team…and why? As part of this response list and rank-order all the criteria you would use in the selection process.

Part 2: It is widely accepted that mental health professionals who consult during hostage and or crisis negotiations can face significant ethical challenges. Devise a list of 5 ethical guidelines that you believe it is imperative for a mental health professional aiding law enforcement in resolving a hostage or crisis negotiation situation to adhere to; prioritize each ( most important 1st) and ensure each ethical guideline is thoroughly supported via referenced support (research data) can reference real life examples that support

Question 2: You are the senior negotiator in a hostage situation, how would you respond to a subject asking for a car to get them to the airport? Specifically how you would respond and what if anything you would do…and why

Question 3: in your own words discuss in detail the use of time in a critical incident and why most situations would best be handled by “slowing things down”. At a hostage situation. What could you do to reduce the negative effects of time on the hostage negotiation team, the tactical team, and the perimeter and command personnel?

Question 4:
Using the article given in your view identify the top 5 lessons/take a ways from that article as it regards successfully negotiating. Why each is important support your answer with real life scenarios where a difference was made or through references.