
Write a carefully constructed essay on one of the following topics of your choice. The essay should be approximately 500 – 800 words in length, address all points of the prompt you've chosen, and be submitted in a Word or PDF format only.

Prompts for 1st Essay – SP 2023: 2305-41009 Federal Government – Chapter 11: Congress

Why is redistricting a problem for U.S. House members? Explain.

Why do congressional incumbents have such a high rate of reelection?

Explain the lawmaking, representation, and oversight functions of Congress.

Contrast the advantages incumbents have in seeking reelection with their disadvantages. Which of these advantages and disadvantages apply only to House members? Which apply only to senators?

How does the structure of Congress—for example, its two chambers and its committee system—affect its role in making policy on broad national issues, as compared with its role on narrower group-centered issues?

Compared with past times, there are now fewer conservative Democrats and fewer progressive Republicans in Congress. How has this development increased the importance of party and party leaders in Congress? How has it increased the chances of partisan deadlock on key legislative issues?