Project 1 math

Purpose of Assignment

We have completed our study of basic sinusoids. We can use our knowledge to apply it to the real world around us. We should understand that any variable that is cyclical, harmonic, oscillating, or periodic in nature can be modeled by a sine or cosine wave. In this project, you will investigate any real-world phenomenon and create a presentation about it, using any reasonable presentation method. You will also write a short re ection.

This project aligns with Course Objectives D (graphs of trig functions) and E (modeling and interpreting cyclic-in-nature applications), as well as GELO 5.

You will have two opportunities to get the maximum possible grade if you submit a copy by the First-Version-Due deadline, as listed in Canvas.


Complete the tasks below.

You may work either individually or with a partner (i.e. have one or two authors).

  1. Choose ONE real-world phenomenon which can be modeled by a sinusoid. These include, but are not limited to:
    • Ferris wheels and roller coasters
    • Wheels, trampolines, swings
  2. Research and collect data:
    • Collect data from a reputable external source. You may NOT directly use the textbook as a reference for this purpose.
    • The data must be paired (e.g. (x,y)).
    • You must cite the source of your data, and you should collect at least 20 data points
  3. Construct a predictive model of the form y = Asin(ωx φ) + B, using both the Quick-Fit and

Best-Fit techniques that we learnt in class

  • Give highlights in the presentation about how it is done in each case
  1. Show a graph of the predictive models on the same graph as the scatterplot of your data
    • The graph should be produced in either GeoGebra or Desmos
    • Compare the scatterplot to the models
    • Prepare to compare the models to each other
  2. Construct a presentation, such as on PowerPoint, Prezi, iMovie, etc. that includes (but is not limited to) each of the following:
    • A title slide with your name (and partner’s name if applicable).
    • At least one Intro slide which introduces the context in broad terms: no data should be present on this slide
    • Slides that address Tasks 1 through 4 (see Rubric on Canvas for more details)
    • A Conclusion slide with a comparison of the two models and a brief re ection on the comparison
    • A References slide that cites at least one source used (in AMS, APA, or MLA format; the former two preferred), excluding class notes
    • An Acknowledgments slide that mentions the names of all humans (including Dr. Weiss) consulted in the completion of this project
  1. If you consulted nobody, the Acknowledgments section is still required: you will state “I consulted with no other person on this project.”
  1. On a separate Word document, write a re ection of about 1-2 paragraphs about your experience with this project. It should include, but is not limited to:
    • What did you learn?
    • What did you like or dislike about this project?
    • What would you change?