Lab Report 1: Scientific Method


Use the provided guidelines to complete the scientific method lab. Upload the lab as a file when you have completed the assignment.

  1. Follow the directions specified in Lab 1 for collecting data for practicing the scientific method.
    • You will need some friends and family for this experiment.
    • You will be measuring their right-hand index fingers and comparing that length to their hand length.
    • Your measurements will be in centimeters. Find a ruler that has centimeters. You should measure to the nearest tenth of a centimeter.
    • You will have to decide how to measure the hand length and index finger for each person to make it fair.
  2. After collecting, fill in the collected data in a data table. You can use Excel or any other program, or even hand draw to complete the data filling activity.
  3. Next, you will create a line graph with the help of the collected data.
    • The hand length goes on the X-axis and index finger length on the Y-axis in the graph.
    • You can make a graph on Excel or any program that you wish, or even hand draw it and scan it in.
  4. As the last part of the activity, you will have to draw a conclusion to the above activity by answering the following questions:
    • Was the hypothesis supported? How do you know?
    • How did you make sure you measured accurately and fairly?
  5. Also, write at least five lines explaining the scientific method to complete the lab assignment.

Additional Information: The points segregation for the activity of how to construct the graph is clearly defined in the attachment 7 Steps to Constructing a Graph & Explanation. This document was shared during the reading section of the module. Remember to download and refer to the points while doing the task.