The topic however is still completely open ended. The requirements are found below:2300-2800 words in length (This is approximately 7 typed, double-spaced pages, with 12-point typeface in Times New Roman, one-inch margins at top, bottom, and sides.) The Works Cited page, though numbered as the final page in the essay, is not to be included in the calculation of the essay’s length. Research papers which go over or under the length requirement will be substantially penalized and most likely will be assigned the grade of F or zero.
Formatted according to MLA standards with regard to page numbering, placement of title, etc.
Documented according to MLA standards with regard to attributing your outside source material.
Your primary source should be a novel or play chosen from the list you will be provided. You should read this work of literature and incorporate quotations/paraphrases from it in your essay.
For your secondary sources, find three critical essays or portions of books where a literary critic is analyzing the novel or play. Choose 3 different literary critics. Make sure all three of your critical essays have a named author. Present each critic’s findings with regard to the novel/play, include your assessment of the critic’s judgment, and attempt to find common themes and tie these critical essays together into a unified essay. Quote/paraphrase from each critical essay in your essay and document each one properly.
All secondary sources should be authoritative and appropriate for a college essay. In other words, do not use internet websites to gather your research. Library books and databases are strongly recommended when looking for your sources.