Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive psychology is the study of the actual processes of thinking: the reception of information, its processing, storage, and how information is used. In this paper, you should analyze the information processing approach as it applies to the specific case presentation.

a) Explain in detail the information processing approach – defining each individual aspect of the model and detailing the historical context of its development.

b) Using the following case study format – explain and define how the functions of thinking: reception, processing, storage and uses of information may be impacted. A thirty-three (33) year old female presents with a history of childhood physical abuse and meeting the full criteria of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder – Chronic. Using the DSM – 5 criteria, detail how the diagnosis affects the specific diagnostic symptoms affecting executive functions (concentration, memory, emotional regulation, impulse control, focus, etc.), the impact of PTSD on the information processing model of learning, and how relative treatment models could address the impact. Discuss how the use of assessments may help to determine the areas of difficulty in working memory, focus, attention etc.?

c) Address the theoretical, ethical, legal and forensic issues that may arise in the case study formulation. Be sure to include the theoretical background for the treatment model selected.

d) Present information in a clear, concise manner